Youngsters in Girl Scout Troop 462 and Cub Scout Pack 534 visited the Greene County Animal Shelter Saturday, April 5. The didn’t go empty handed, but took along several bags and boxes of dog and cat food, treats and toys for the animals there.
The scouts ranged in age from kindergarten through 8th grade. They, along with some of their parents, also spent some quality time with the animals at the shelter. The toured the shelter and then went in small groups and played with the cats and kittens. They saw the differences between adult and younger animals, making it a learning experience.
“One of the main differences we learned is that adult animals can be a lot calmer and gentler, and the younger ones tend to be full of energy and need lots of training, so people have to keep that in mind when looking for that special animal they want to adopt for their forever pet,” said PAWS president Ann Wenthold, who hosted the visit.
“It was very nice to see how well the kids interacted with our animals. They were all very respectful of the dogs and cats, petted and held them nicely and didn’t ‘rush’ them, which tends to frighten most animals and can lead to a negative experience. Their parents have done good jobs teaching their children how to act with pets,” she said.
PAWS thanked Jenny Fisher, scout leader, and all the parents and scouts who donated. “Whether it is food, toys, or just time loving the animals, it’s all very much appreciated by us,” Wenthold said.